Did you know it takes more than a year to design and produce every single frame from ProDesign?
Every step of the process is carefully managed to ensure not just innovative and “face-friendly” design, but also perfect quality in every detail. All designs are made using real portraits, before the 3D modelling begins. The aim is to make design that is not just on trend and attractive, but also design which highlights the qualities of different facial shapes. The production process requires more than 120 steps, from when the 3D drawing leaves our studio to when the frame is ready to be sold. Every step requires craftsmanship and an eye for detail, to make sure the frame has a nice touch and a high quality and made to last for years of daily wear. All parts are assembled by hand and adjusted manually, before the frame can pass our final process for quality control. Our ProDesign frames are CE labelled, which is your guarantee that the frame has passed more than 40 quality tests, e.g. for allergens, colour stability, resistance to perspiration cosmetics and chemicals etc.
Designed in Denmark by an Optician
Facia lFit, Second to None
High Quality, Comfortable Frames, Made to Last
More than One Year from Concept to Manufacture
All Acetate Frames Available with or without Nosepads